Muhammad Rizal Efendi, Heri Kurniawan


The purpose of this research is to examine the role of Internet Addiction and Sales Promotion on Impulse Buying with Religiosity as a moderating variable. Using a sample of 100 respondents using the proportional quota sampling technique. The data analysis tool uses SPSS 25. The research results show that Internet Addiction has a negative and significant effect on Impulse Buying at the Tiktok Shop. Sales Promotion has a positive and significant influence on Impulse Buying at the Tiktok Shop. Religiosity weakens the influence of Internet Addiction and Sales Promotion on Impulse Buying. This research is useful for UIN Salatiga students to adopt wise behavior to avoid impulse buying.

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JIEM Journal of Islamic Enterpreneurship and Management UIN SALATIGA e-ISSN: 2808-8255